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- October
- World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th all across the globe with the aim to promote, educate, and raise awareness of mental health issues.
The focus of this day is also to get people talking about their mental health and eradicate stigmas associated with mental illness. World Mental Health Day is supported by The World Health Organization which organizes events and sets a theme for the year.
The 2024 theme of World Mental Health Day is "It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace."
History of World Mental Health Day
The origins of World Mental Health Day go back to 1992 when The World Federation for Mental Health began a program to promote global awareness of mental health.
By 1994 the day had grown and was being celebrated in more countries and with more significant events and so for the first time, a theme was introduced.
The first theme was Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services Throughout the World.
World Mental Health Day 2024: It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace
Believe it or not, our professional life significantly impacts our mental health which in turn impacts our daily behavior and decisions.
Stress, anxiety, and burnout can decrease productivity, reduce job satisfaction, and affect our overall well-being. Long-term mental health challenges can even manifest as physical symptoms, such as chronic fatigue or illness, making it difficult to maintain a balance between work and personal life.
How to Tackle Mental Health Issues in a Professional Workspace
To tackle mental health in the workplace, we need to start by creating a space where people feel comfortable talking about it. Offer support through things like counseling or mental health days.
Keep workloads manageable to reduce stress and burnout. Simple steps like regular check-ins and flexible work hours can make a big difference in helping everyone stay balanced.
More Recent Themes Include:
- 2020: The theme was Move for Mental Health: Let's Invest, to promote the importance of the increased financial aid that's needed on an international level to support mental well-being.
- 2021: The theme of Mental Health in an Unequal World, addressed the issue of mental health services availability and the unequal balance of access to those services among the wealthy and less fortunate demographics.
- 2022: The theme was Make Mental Health For All a Global Priority.
- 2023: The theme will be Mental health is a Universal Human Right. With this theme, the hope will be to encourage people to remember those who are disadvantaged and maybe currently do not have access to mental health resources.
Why is World Mental Health Day Celebrated
The stigma around mental health has always been there but we should always be mindful about it. In recent years, there has been significant development regarding the stigma around mental health.
This has led to people coming out and comfortably speaking about their mental health issues. However, there is still a long way to go before society fully recognizes the importance of an individual's mental health and well-being.
The themes since 2020 have also highlighted how the global pandemic COVID-19 has had a significant effect on mental health and the issues surrounding it. This has been particularly important since many were affected financially, one indicator of this being the unemployment rate which increased to 4.9% at one point in October 2021.
Many communities were required to go into isolation during the pandemic. Less social interaction arising from social distancing can have severe effects, such as increased anxiety from living in an ever-changing and uncertain world. According to worldwide research, there was, during the first year of COVID-19, an increase of 27.6% in the number of cases of major depressive disorder.
While significant trauma and life events can impact our mental health, many of life's stresses can often be related to our day-to-day work or personal life. Workplaces can help by putting up posters to raise awareness and educate their employees, encouraging them to support one another, and assisting them with looking out for signs that their colleagues may need support. Awareness can be taught in schools to inform young people better and educate them on the long-term benefits of looking after their mental health.
What to do on World Mental Health Day
Take some time for yourself and keep an eye on your well-being. Make sure you're getting enough time to relax and rejuvenate to keep a healthy mind and avoid any unnecessary stresses in your day-to-day life. If you feel like things are getting on top of you or are finding it difficult to keep organized, consider using a daily planner or wellness journal to make sure you're looking after yourself.
Try to check in with friends and family, they will surely appreciate the gesture. Use this day to let them know that you're there for them, and to remind them how important their mental health is. If there is someone in your life who you are particularly concerned about, seek out relevant help to get them the professional support and therapy they require.
On and around this date, it is common to see people wearing a ribbon in solidarity, to raise awareness, and to show their support. Others choose to take their support online by posting on social media with the hashtag #worldmentalhealthday.
Resources To Seek Help
There are plenty of resources, charities, and organizations that are there to help including but not limited to
- The National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH),
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP),
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI),
- Samaritans USA, or Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS),
If you feel you may be struggling with mental health, know that you're not alone. Nearly 50 million Americans are reported to struggle with their mental health.
In Canada, one in five Canadians has suffered or is suffering from a mental health illness or disability. Don't suffer in silence, seek help. It is okay to not be okay and it is okay to ask for help.
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World Mental Health Day - Next years
Saturday, 10 October 2026
Sunday, 10 October 2027
Tuesday, 10 October 2028
2025 Calendars