World Listening Day

Next Friday, 18 July 2025

World Listening Day is here on July 18 which means it's time to shut up and just listen! 

This day was started by the World Listening Project, a non-profit organization in U.S.A.,  to raise awareness of the beauty and importance of the sounds around us, and to encourage people to learn more about how sound shapes our environment.Woman sitting among the mountains in nature

Every, World Listening Day focuses on different themes. The 2024 theme of World Listening Day is 'Listening to the Weave of Time'.

Significance of World Listening Day

"When we stop listening, noise happens”

R. Murray Schafer

Do you know about sonic environment? A sonic environment is basically all the sounds you can hear in a certain place, like a park, a busy street, or even your quiet room. It's like a sound picture of that place. Yes a sound picture, doesn't it sound interesting?

The World Listening Project started World Listening Day with the aim of raising awareness about sonic environment both as a source of information and a form of enjoyment.

Let us be honest, how many of us actually take time to listen and observe the environment? The answer is not many. Listening is an underrated activity that needs to be practiced more often!

World Listening Day History: Honoring Raymond Murray Schafer

World Listening is celebrated on July 18 which coincides with the birthday of Raymond Murray Schafer, a Canadian composer, writer, music educator, and environmentalist. He is also the founder of acoustic ecology (acoustic ecology is the study of how sounds, both natural and human-made, fit together in different environments).

Raymond Murray also started the World Soundscape Project. The World Soundscape Project was a big effort to record and learn about all the different soundscapes in the world, like a giant library of the sounds of our planet.

Celebrate World Listening Day

Walk & Record Your Surroundings

A man walking around with a recorder in a forest

Talk some time off today and enjoy nature's sounds. Carry a recorder with you to record different sounds of nature- insects chirping, waterfalls, breeze, sounds of your feet against the road and so on. Let's try something new!

Listen to Others

Woman talking with man

World Listening Day is all about listening- to nature and around humans as well! Gather with friends or family and take turns sharing a story or experience. Everyone listens actively without interrupting, focusing on understanding the speaker's emotions.

Blindfold Tasting With Sounds

Blindfold foodtasting

This is an interesting one! Blindfold a friend and have them taste different foods while you play specific soundscapes in the background. See how the sounds influence their perception of the flavors.

Share on Social Media

World Listening Day has an important cause so make sure to share about this day on social media with #worldlisteningday.

Tune in to the beautiful sounds around you and capture a unique soundscape using your phone! Post your creation with the hashtag and inspire others to listen more deeply.

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