Gear up for the coldest season of the year as Winter begins on December 22 (Winter Solstice) and will continue up to March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere this yearThis is because the Northern Hemisphere is titled away from the sun during this time of the year so the countries here receive less heat and light. 

Winter is a time of cold weather, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. Precipitation can fall as rain, sleet, or snow, depending on the location. Days are shorter and nights are longer. Plants become dormant, and many animals hibernate.

Winter months usually comprise December, January, and February

A family enjoying in the snow

In the Southern Hemisphere, the conditions are reversed and Winter usually begins in the month of June and remains till September.  

Characteristics of Winter

  • Nights are longer and days are shorter in Winter. This is because the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun so the sun-rays take a longer time to reach.
  • The temperature is low and drops below the freezing point in many places. This is why snowfall is a common phenomenon during this season.
  • Deciduous trees such as Oak and Birch shed leaves before the arrival of winter in order to protect themselves from the extreme cold and freezing.
  • Most animals hibernate or enter a state of long and deep sleep during winter. Others travel to warmer climates to survive. 

Festivals and Celebrations in Winter

While winter is typically associated with hibernation, it is also a season brimming with joyous festivities and celebrations. 

Popular winter festivals around the world add a vibrant touch to this season. From the enchanting Christmas markets in Europe to the lively celebrations of Diwali in parts of India, these festivals bring communities together in the spirit of joy and togetherness.

Winter Blues: A Season Affective Disorder 

Winter Blues is a kind of seasonal depression that people experience with the arrival of Winter. It usually entails low mood, feeling sad and lethargic, difficulty concentrating, less motivation to do things, and so on. 

Interesting Facts

  • Sapporo, a city in Japan, holds a grand snow festival every year in February. 
  • Animals adapt in different ways during winter. For example, Foxes change their diet, and Fishers and bobcats travel longer distances in search of food.
  • The word 'Winter' comes from 'wintar' meaning wet or water. 
  • The Arctic North Pole is warmer than the Antarctic South Pole. It is primarily due to the strong winds in the Antarctic region which prevent the mixing of cold and warm air. Although the same phenomenon occurs in the Arctic, the intensity of the winds is comparatively lower.
  • Winter lasts for eight to nine months in the North and South Poles. 
  • The Winter Olympic Games, an international sporting event, is held every four years. The last one was hosted in 2022 so the upcoming Winter Olympic Games will be held in February 2026. 

Prepare for Winter Season

Get a Heater

If you have a family member who is 65 or above, they are very much susceptible to cold weather which might result in the deterioration of their health. Your house should ideally have a temperature of 18 degree celsius.

Couples Hands By Fireplace

If you like in a particularly cold region, maybe consider getting a heater. Also keep your doors and windows shut during cold spells.

Vitamin D Intake is Essential

Vitamin D deficiency is a common issue during Winter. Vitamin D is essential to fight cold and flu. You can simply add food items rich in Vitamin D to your diet. This includes chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, cod, dairy products, etcetera. 

Food items rich in Vitamin D

Be Caught Up on Weather Forecasts

Make sure to regularly listen to weather forecasts if you live in an area prone to storms and distruptive weather. Weather forecasts help you stay prepared for any unforeseen situations. Also, make sure to have your emergency supplies ready in any case.

Weather forecast

Remember About the Strays This Winter

Keep your pets indoors this season. Also please be kind towards strays. If you can't bring them inside your shelter, make sure to build them shelters outside to protect them from extreme cold.

A cat looking at snow outside

Dress Up in Layers

Make sure to dress up in layers during Winter to protect yourself from cold. Also stock up on plenty of warm clothes such as coats, blazers, scarves, gloves, hats, sweaters and so on.

Woman in Winter clothes

Insulate Your Pipes

Pipes in unheated areas like crawlspaces and attics are susceptible to freezing and bursting in cold weather. Insulate them with foam pipe sleeves or heat tape to prevent this from happening.

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