The world celebrates Transgender Day Of Visibility (TDOV) every year on March 31 to raise awareness and voice the lives of transgender and nonconforming people (people who do not follow the gender norms of society). It will be celebrated on Friday in 2023.
Trans Day Of Visibility commemorates the achievements and accomplishments of trans people. This day also acknowledges their strength and courage to live openly and brings to public attention the violence and discrimination faced globally by them.
Transgender flag
Trans Day of Visibility Origin
Rachel Crandall, a transgender activist based in Michigan, founded the Trans Day of Visibility in 2009. She is also the founder of Transgender Michigan. It has been dedicated to improving the lives of transgender people since 1997.
Transgender Day of Remembrance was the only well-known transgender-focused day that raised awareness across a mass medium. It is observed each year on November 20 to mourn the death of everyone murdered due to transphobic violence.
There was a lack of an awareness day that celebrated the living transgenders, their growth, and human rights. Even though the transgender and gender non-conforming community is vast and diverse, positive and constructive media coverage for them is a rarity. Mass media is overwhelmingly focused on violence centered around them.
The lack of an awareness day that did not focus on violence against them prompted trans advocate Rachel Crandall to create Transgender Day of Visibility in 2009 to emphasize the celebration of the lives of transgender and gender non-conforming people.
Trans Day of Visibility 2021
March 31, 2021, was officially proclaimed International Transgender Day of Visibility by The President of The United States of America, Joe Biden. In an official White House Presidential Actions post, he celebrated the resilience and achievements of transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals and communities.
He also recognized the generational struggles and discrimination they continue to face to this date. He has promised to work towards the removal of discrimination based on gender differences. He also pledged to bring legislation and laws like Equality Act to provide legal protections to LGBTQ+ Americans.
Ways to celebrate Trans Day of Visibility
There are many ways to celebrate Trans Day of Visibility even if you are not a part of the community.
Educate yourself on trans lives to understand them better.
Share stories and articles about the lives and achievements of transgender people to spread awareness. You can use hashtags such as #TransgenderDayOfVisibility
You can also participate in marches on March 31st to interact with more trans people and celebrate the day with them.