Strawberry Moon is the full moon observed in the month of June. The next Strawberry Moon will occur on Wednesday, June 11, 2025, at 3:44 AM EDT.
It is called the Strawberry moon because June is the time when strawberries become fully red and ripe and are perfect for harvesting.
Strawberry Moon or June full moon this year will occur right after June solstice that marks the beginning of the vibrant summer season in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Names and Tales Behind June Full Moon
The name Strawberry moon came from the Ojibwa, Lakota, Dakota, and Algonquin people (Native American Tribes). They used to name and track seasons by observing the full moon. Although strawberries are reddish-pink and round, the name does not indicate the moon's appearance or hue.
A moon may appear reddish if it is close to the horizon and light rays pass through the dense layers of its atmosphere. Native American Algonquin tribes call it the Strawberry moon as it is the time of June when ripe strawberries are all set to be gathered.
June's full moon is called the Berries Ripen Moon by the Haida (American Indian people). The name is such because berries begin to ripen in June. It is the time of blossoming, ripening, and animal taking birth. It also marks the season change and occurrence of the summer solstice (21st June).
According to European culture, this moon is known as the Mead Moon or Honey Moon. The reference goes back to Juno (the one after this month is named), the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth. It is the traditional month of coupling and honeymooning. This name refers to the great fertility during this time of the year. This also marks the celebration of growth and connection to living beings, food, and new beginnings on Earth.
Other names are given by different cultures to the June full moon:
- Anishinaabe calls it the Blooming Moon in reference to the flowering season.
- Cherokee named it the Green Corn moon.
- Western Abenaki calls it the Hoer Moon, as it's time to tend fresh crops.
- The Tinglet named it Birth Moon as many animals give birth at this time of the year.
- Hatching Moon or Egg Laying Moon are Cree terms.
- Rose moon
Phases of Moon in June 2025
- June 1: Waxing Crescent at 8:26 PM EST
- June 4: First Quarter at 4:34 AM EST
- June 10: Full Moon at 12:21 AM EST
- June 16: Last Quarter at 11:22 PM EST
- June 24: New Moon at 7:17 AM EST
A supermoon happens as the moon's orbit moves closest to Earth. At this time, the full moon is in its largest and brightest form.
The June 2025 Full Moon will be the second Supermoon of that year. In 2026, the Strawberry Moon will not be a Supermoon, as it is expected to be far away from the cut-off point
Future Full Moons of June
Year | Day of the Week | Future June Full moons |
2026 | Monday | June 29, 2026, 7:57 PM EDT |
2027 | Friday | June 18, 2027, 8:44 PM ED |
2028 | Wednesday | June 7, 2028, 2:09 AM EDT |
2029 | Monday | June 25, 2029, 11:22 PM EDT |
2030 | Saturday | June 15, 2030, 2:41 PM EDT |
2031 | Thursday | June 5, 2031. 7:58 AM EDT |
Next up is the Buck Moon in July.