National Voter Registration Day

Next Tuesday, 23 September 2025

National Voter Registration Day falls on the fourth Tuesday of September. The Presidential elections in the United States are held every four years in November, but it is important to register with at least a year in advance. This is why National Voter Registration Day was created, to remind everyone to register to vote, otherwise they have no say in who the next president of the United States should be. 


National Voter Registration Day was founded by the National Association of Secretaries of State in 2012. Initially, the day was observed on September 25. But in 2014 it was established as the fourth Tuesday of September. 

Millions of Americans forget all about the registration deadlines on an election year and aren't able to vote. This day is about making sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to vote. 

The holiday is nonpartisan, meaning that it doesn't endorse any specific candidate. The only goal for the day is to get people registered to exercise their right to vote. Since the creation of this holiday, around 3 million people have registered to vote on National Voter Registration Day. There are events in every state with information for citizens to know how and where to register to vote. Thousands of organizations get involved to spread the news about National Voter Registration Day. 

What to do on National Voter Registration Day

The first thing to do on this day, if you are over 18 and eligible, is to get registered to vote. Voting is the best way to ensure that your voice is heard and that you have a say in what happens in the country. 

You can also volunteer at one of the voter registration rallies in your city and encourage people to register to vote. This can be done at events, or by going door-to-door to educate people on their voting rights. The important thing is to spread the word about voting registration.

National Voter Registration Day
National Voter Registration Day

National Voter Registration Day 2025

Date: Tuesday, 22 September 2026

Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2027

Date: Tuesday, 26 September 2028

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