National Joe Day, celebrated on March 27 is a quirky and unofficial celebration for all the average Joes out there.
It is a super cool day dedicated to celebrate all the amazing Joes, Josephs, Joeys, Johannas, Josephines, etc. out there in the USA.
So, if your name has the alphabets J-O in the beginning, get ready to be celebrated, as this day is all about celebrating you and giving you a big high-five. Gather your pals and turn this day into a fun celebration.
Make it extra special by enjoying a hot cup of Joe with your friends.
Although there is no record of who invented National Joe Day and when, we can take a lucky guess and say it was either a Joe-named person or someone who wanted to make the Joe in their life feel special.
One thing is certain, Joe and all its variants are all traditional, and American names that have been consistently popular since the United States was founded.
It is more than likely that every American knows someone named Joe, Jo, Joey, Joseph, Jodie, or Jo-Ann. Joe is such a common, everyday name, that the expressions “Average Joe” and “Lucky Joe” have been invented decades ago, and are still used to this day to describe an average American, who is ordinary, but friendly and trustworthy.
At the same time, a lot of people associate the name Joe with their favorite hot drink: coffee. “A cup of Joe” became a popular expression in the 1940s. It was used to describe a cup of coffee, and there are a couple of theories why:
The first, and most common, is that it was named after Josephus Daniels, a secretary of the Navy who banned alcohol on ships and encouraged sailors to drink more coffee.
Some believe that the expression is associated with Joe as a “common man name” for coffee, which is a “common man drink”.
Whether you are a Joe, have a Joe in your life whom you love, or just enjoy a warm cup of Joe, this is the ideal day for you to celebrate!
Some Famous Joes
With it being such a popular American name, it is no wonder that so many beloved famous people are named Joe. Here are a few of them:
- Joe Biden - President of the United States
- Joe Montana - American Football Player
- Joe DiMaggio - Baseball Player
- Jodie Foster - Actress
- Joe Cocker and Joe Jonas - Musicians
- Joe Pesci - Actor and Comedian
Who is your favorite famous Joe? Send them a message of appreciation on National Joe Day.
How to Celebrate National Joe Day
Show appreciation for all the Joes and Jos of your life by calling them, inviting them out, or sharing a post on social media in their honor with the hashtag #NationalJoeDay.
Want to be celebrated today too? Change your name to Joe or Jo for the day, and bask in all the appreciation. It will be a fun activity to do with your friends, and it will get people talking about this unusual holiday.
Or, you can celebrate by going to get a cup of your favorite Joe!