National Cappuccino Day

Next Friday, 8 November 2024

November 8th calls for you to cozy up with a warm cup of frothy goodness as we celebrate National Cappuccino Day

Whether you are planning on enjoying a pleasant and peaceful morning or a brunch with friends, a cup of cappuccino gives you the perfect fusion of bitterness and sweetness as the ideal blend of espresso, steamed milk, and foam helps you enhance each and every movement. 

This popular Italian beverage got its name from the Capuchin friars because of their color of their hooded robes that resembled the drink's rich and earthy tones. 

The origin of this cherished occasion remains mysterious, as there are no official records of when it was first created, with various sources providing different dates.

classic cappuccino

History of Cappuccino

Cappuccino's history dates back to the 18th century with its origins associated to the Kapuziner. It is a coffee beverage that was found in Habsburg coffee houses and this early version was made with coffee mixed with sugar and cream. 

By the mid 19th century, this drink underwent several modifications and sometimes had spices with similar drinks like Mélange which is a blend of coffee and milk appeared in Vienna. These drinks later inspired what would become the cappuccino.

The term “cappuccino” made its first appearance in Italy during the 19th century which essentially referred to black coffee with a small amount of cream or milk. 

When espresso machines were developed in the early 20th century, they significantly influenced the evolution of cappuccino by introducing higher pressure, finer coffee grounds, and the addition of frothed milk.

After World War II, the classic Italian cappuccino took a turn and evolved into its modern form which is espresso topped with steamed milk and a layer of foam.

It became a staple of Italian coffee culture and in the 1950s, espresso bars started appearing in Vienna and in other places serving both traditional Kapuziner and the modern Italian cappuccino.

Cappuccino’s popularity spread worldwide, especially in the U.K., where it suited the British taste for milk in coffee, and in the U.S., where Italian American cafés in cities like New York and San Francisco played a key role in its rise.

By the 1950s, cappuccino had evolved alongside espresso culture, becoming a global coffee favorite.

cappuccino with a historical look

Popular Types Of Cappuccino

  • Classic Cappuccino: Equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam

classic cappuccino

  • Wet Cappuccino: More steamed milk and less foam for a creamier texture

wet cappuccino

  • Dry Cappuccino: More milk foam and less steamed milk for a lighter feel

dry cappuccino

  • Bone Dry Cappuccino: Just espresso and milk foam, no steamed milk

bone dry cappuccino

  • Iced Cappuccino: Chilled espresso with milk and foam

iced cappuccino

  • Freddo Cappuccino: Iced bone dry cappuccino, popular in Greece

freddo cappuccino

  • Flavored Cappuccinos: Includes syrups or spices like vanilla, caramel, or cinnamon

flavored cappuccino

  • Condensed Milk Cappuccino: Sweetened with condensed milk for a rich taste

condensed milk cappuccino

  • Crazy Candy Cappuccino: Topped with candy or chocolate for a fun treat

crazy candy cappuccino

Celebrating National Cappuccino Day

Celebrate National Cappuccino Day by visiting your favorite coffee shop and enjoying a classic cappuccino or experimenting with different flavors.

Many cafés offer special deals on this day, so it’s a great chance to try something new. Feeling adventurous?

Make a cappuccino at home using an espresso machine or a stove top Moka pot for a frothy treat.

To make it even more fun, invite friends over for a cappuccino tasting and explore various blends and flavors together.

Whether you enjoy your cappuccino with a touch of sweetness or prefer the classic style, National Cappuccino Day is the perfect excuse to indulge!

cappuccino with a side of desserts

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