April 7 is National No Housework Day. As the name suggests, this is a day to drop the duster, the laundry detergent, and the dish soap, and just relax!
As tempting as it may be to sweep the floors, or make the bed, the point of today is to give yourself a break from housework and do something else you enjoy instead without worrying. The cleaning can wait for a day.

National No Housework Day History
National No Housework Day was created in the 1980s by Thomas and Ruth Roy of wellcat.com, a website that sells health and relaxation products.
With the average adult spending most of their day at work and having to do their housework when they get home, sometimes it can be hard to find the time to do things that they actually enjoy. National No Housework Day gives everyone the opportunity to finish reading that book they've been putting off, meet up with friends for some food, go for a long walk in the park, or just stay home doing nothing and relaxing.
The laundry can stay in the basket one more day, the floors can do with a day of not being vacuumed, and it won't hurt the shelves to not be dusted today, and the kids' toys don't need to be put away . Having a day off from housework to do whatever else you want can make all the difference. So many people dread the thought of having to do their chores, so what better relief than knowing you have the day off from that?
There are ways to reduce the amount of housework on regular days, to have even more time to relax, such as having less clutter in the house or doing small, regular tasks around the house rather than taking a big chunk out of the day to clean.
How to Celebrate National No Housework Day
You have a whole day free of housework, so it is up to you how you fill that time. Here are a few suggestions:
- Binge-watch your favorite TV show. Don't forget the blanket and a few snacks!
- Have a long and relaxing bath. A way to feel luxurious and spa-like in your own home.
- Order some takeaway. Cooking dinner can be considered a chore, so take the night off from that too. As a bonus point, you won't have any dishes to wash.
- Go for a walk or meet up with friends. Being away from the house is the best way to ensure you're not tempted to do some cleaning.