Day of Arafah

Next Thursday, 5 June 2025

The Day of Arafah, also called Yawm Al-Waqf or the Day of Standing, is an Islamic holiday that is observed on the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah or the twelfth month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar every year. 

The Day of Arafah is the second day of Hajj or the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Worshipers pray for repentance and forgiveness from Allah on this day. While Hajj pilgrims go to Mount Arafah for prayers and reflection, Muslims from every corner of the world pray for forgiveness. 

A man praying near Mountain Arafat on the Day of Arafah
Man praying for forgiveness on the Day of Arafah, PC: Omar Chatriwala (CC2.0, unedited)

'Arafah' is an Arabic term that means 'to know'. The Day of Arafah is followed by Eid-al-Adha. 

What To Do On the Day of Arafah


Fasting from dawn to dusk is essential on the Day of Arafah but only for those who are not on Hajj. This is because Prophet Muhammad has said that fasting and observing the Day of Arafah will cleanse worshipers of their past sins in the last year as well as sins in the coming year. 

Fast breaking meal for Muslims

However, it is not Sunnah or an Islamic tradition for worshipers already present in the Hajj to fast on the Day of Arafah. This is because the prophet prohibited fasting on the Day of Arafah in Arafah. 

Kalimah Shahadah

Everyone recites kalimah shahadah repeatedly on the Day of Arafah. This Arabic phrase means declaration of faith. This attests to the fact there is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger on earth. 

Excessive Du'a and Dhikr

On this day, people make a lot of dua and dhikr. They ask Allah for forgiveness and blessings in order to begin on a fresh note after spiritually cleansing their soul. 

A Muslim man praying or making dua

Sadaqah or Charity

Giving sadaqah or charity on the Day of Arafah is considered the most virtuous act and will help you earn the blessings of Allah. Thus, do not forget about those who are in need of your good deeds on this day. 

A Muslim woman giving sadaqah or charity

Day of Arafah History and Significance 

The Day of Arafah is connected to many historical events which makes this day significant in the lives of Muslims. 

The Completion and Perfection of the Quran

On the Day of Arafah in 632 CE, the final verse of the Quran, Ayat al-Deen, was finally revealed in Arafat plain. Thus, the holy Quran and consequently Islam was completed on this day. This is why it is of great significance to Muslims. 

Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon

Prophet Muhammad gathered Muslims and delivered his final sermon on the Mount of Mercy or Jabal al-Rahmah in Arafat in 632 CE. 

"Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone."

-Prophet Muhammad in his last sermon

Construction of the Kaaba

It is said that Allah instructed Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail to build the Kaaba on the Day of Arafah. It is of great significance among Muslims as it is a sacred place for the worship of Allah.

Qaaba is also known as Qibla which indicates the direction in which Muslims pray. 

Unity of Adam and Eve

After Adam and Eve were banished for eating the forbidden fruit, they finally reunited on the Day of Arafah according to Islamic texts. Both of them asked for forgiveness from Allah which is why he united them in what is now the Mount of Arafah. 

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