October 2018 Calendar of Canada
PrintOctober 2018 Calendar with Holidays and Celebrations of Canada.
1st Quarter
Full Moon
3rd Quarter
New Moon
October 2018 Holidays and Celebrations
1 Mon
1 MonNational Seniors Day
1 Mon
1 MonUrticaria day
1 MonInternational Music Day
1 MonWorld Habitat Day
1 MonWorld Architecture Day
1 MonNational Hair Day
1 Mon
1 MonInternational Day of Older Persons
2 TueRosh Hashanah
2 TueInternational Day of Non-Violence
3 Wed
3 WedWorld Financial Planning Day
3 WedNational Kale Day
3 WedRandom Acts of Poetry Day
4 Thu
4 Thu
4 ThuNational Cinnamon Roll Day
4 ThuWorld Space Week
4 Thu
4 ThuFeast of St Francis of Assisi
5 Fri
5 Fri
6 SatWorld Cerebral Palsy Day
6 SatNational Noodle Day
7 Sun
7 SunNational Frappe Day
8 Mon
8 MonNational Depression Screening Day
8 MonInternational Podiatry Day
9 TueWorld Post Day
9 Tue
10 Wed
10 WedWorld Homeless Day
10 WedWorld Day Against the Death Penalty
11 ThuWorld Sight Day
11 ThuInternational Day of the Girl Child
11 Thu
11 ThuYom Kippur
12 Fri
12 FriWorld Arthritis Day
13 SatInternational Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
13 SatWorld Hospice and Palliative Care Day
13 SatWorld Thrombosis Day
14 SunWorld Standards Day
15 MonInternational Day of Rural Women
15 MonNational Grouch Day
15 MonWaste Reduction Week
15 MonGlobal Handwashing Day
15 MonWhite Cane Safety Day
16 Tue
16 Tue
16 TueNational Pharmacy Technicians Day
16 Tue
16 TueWorld Spine Day
17 Wed
17 WedGlobal Dignity Day
17 WedInternational Day for the Eradication of Poverty
18 ThuPersons Day
18 Thu
19 FriNational Mammography Day
20 SatWorld Statistics Day
20 SatInternational Day of the Air Traffic Controller
20 SatInternational Chefs Day
20 SatInternational Sloth Day
20 SatInternational Archaeology Day
20 SatWorld Osteoporosis Day
20 SatNational Day on Writing
21 SunNational Reptile Day
21 SunBack to the Future Day
22 MonCanadian School Library Day
22 MonInternational Stuttering Awareness Day
23 TueShemini Atzeret
24 Wed
24 WedWorld Development Information Day
24 Wed
25 ThuInternational Artist Day
25 ThuWorld Opera Day
25 ThuInternational Dwarfism Awareness Day
26 Fri
27 SatWorld Day for Audiovisual Heritage
28 SunInternational Animation Day
28 Sunworld judo day
29 MonWorld Psoriasis Day
29 MonWorld Stroke Day
29 Mon
31 Wed
31 WedWorld Savings Day
31 WedWorld Cities Day
31 WedNational Magic Day