- Calendar
- Calendar 2025
- October
- Boss's Day
Boss's Day
Boss's Day, also known as Bosses Day or National Boss Day, is commemorated every year on October 16th. On this day, employees who have a good relationship with their bosses are encouraged to show their appreciation for them. It is also known as manager appreciation week.
Bosses often get a bad reputation, but a good boss can change your work life. They motivate and support you, and are in charge of making sure that everything in the workplace is running smoothly for everyone so that their employees are happy doing their job.
If the day falls on a weekend, then Boss's Day is observed on the weekday closest to it.
Background of National Boss Day
Boss's Day was introduced as a holiday in the United States national calendar in 1958 when Patricia Bays Haroski registered it with the US Chamber of Commerce. Haroski created this holiday to honor her father, who was also her boss, which is why Boss's Day has observed on her father's birthday her. The holiday was officially proclaimed in 1962.
Haroski's intention with this holiday was for bosses and managers to begin getting the appreciation and thanks that they deserved from their employees. At the same time, the holiday aims at promoting good relationships between managers, bosses, supervisors, and their employees.
The day saw a surge in popularity from 1979 when Hallmark launched Boss's Day cards to be distributed on this holiday. In recent years, there has been some controversy regarding this day, with people who stand against it claiming that it plays into the imbalance of power between bosses and employees and that it promotes classism, and thus employees should not feel pressured to buy their bosses gifts on Boss's Day.
Most people who celebrate this day focus on the aspect of building good relationships between bosses and employees, rather than showering the bosses with gifts and praise.
Characteristics of a Good Boss
The boss can either make or break the morale of their employees, that is why it is so important to identify early on whether your boss is someone you can foresee working for in the long term future. And if you are the boss of a team of people, it is important to make sure you nurture a work culture that encourages the team to reach their full potential.
And how do you know whether you have a good boss or not? Here are a few traits that a good boss ought to possess:
- Showing appreciation for their employees - Statistics show that 76% of employees quit their job due to feeling underappreciated by their seniors.
- The culture at work is incredibly important. 35% of job seekers say that the work culture is a priority. A good boss needs to be able to cultivate a positive atmosphere in their office.
- Job retention - According to a Gallup study, 50% of Americans say that they have left work due to a bad manager. A good manager will keep employees in their jobs for longer.
- An employee who is uninterested and disengaged in their job is more likely to report themselves as absent. They are actually 37% more likely to call in sick or avoid work in other ways. A good manager will be able to keep their staff engaged and excited by their work for longer.
- Communicating well with their employees - according to research, 69% of managers feel awkward or uncomfortable communicating with their team. The value of handling feedback is letting staff know that their work matters, that they are being listened to, and that they are progressing in their career. A good manager is able to
How to celebrate Boss Day
If you want to show your boss how much you appreciate them on this day then you can buy them a gift or a card. If your social media terms and conditions allow, perhaps say something online about your boss with the hashtag #nationalbossday.
There are many other ideas for Boss's Day, such as:
Talk to your coworkers and organize a little office party for your boss. You can get a cake and a card for everyone to sign. Having a party with everyone in the office will ensure that people build relationships with each other, and it helps the boss get to know their employees.
You can also ask your boss to have a conversation about your work and performance in the company, and what you could do to advance your career and be better for the workplace. Bosses can be great mentors.
Lastly, get some of your colleagues together and invite your boss to go for drinks after work. Being outside of an office environment helps people relax, connect and build stronger relationships within the team.

Other Celebrations
Apr 10 Thu
Apr 11 Fri
May 24 Sat
Jul 26 Sat
Sep 21 Sun
Sep 30 Tue

Boss's Day - Next years
Friday, 16 October 2026
Saturday, 16 October 2027
Monday, 16 October 2028