April, the fourth month of the year, is a refreshing gateway to spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. It has 30 days in total.

Known for its blooming flowers, unpredictable weather, and vibrant spirit of renewal, April is a month that bridges the warmth of the sun with the freshness of new beginnings.

April 2025 calendar

What Does the Term April Mean

The name April has a rich history, tracing back to ancient times with multiple theories surrounding its origin.

One widely accepted theory is that April comes from the Latin word "Aprilis", which might have stemmed from the Latin word "aperire," meaning "to open." This could signify the blossoming of flowers and trees that typically occurs during this time in the Northern Hemisphere, aligning with the season of spring.

Another theory suggests a connection to the Greek goddess Aphrodite (the Roman Venus). The term "Aphrilis" might be derived from her name symbolising love, beauty, and fertility often associated with the month.

It is also said that the word April is derived from the Latin word 'apero' which means second. This was because in the early Roman calendar, there were only 10 months beginning from March so April was the second month. January and February were added to the calendar later.

Festivals, Celebrations, Observations and Holidays in April

Do you know that many funny and eccentric days such as National Hug a Newsperson Day, National Hug Your Dog Day and Ex-Spouse Day is also celebrated in April? Read Your Ultimate Guide to Wacky, Fun and Weird Holidays to know more. 

Interesting Facts about April

  • April Fool’s Day is believed to have started in 16th-century France when the New Year shifted from April 1st to January 1st, and those who stuck to the old date were mocked as "fools."
  • April bridges the bold, fiery spirit of Aries (March 21- April 19) with the steady, grounded strength of Taurus (April 20- May 20), making it a month of dynamic energy and unshakable determination.
  • The phrase "April showers bring May flowers" highlights the month’s often rainy weather, which fosters blooming gardens in May.
  • The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, during its maiden voyage, a tragic and one of the most significant incidents in history.
  • In Ancient Rome, April was sacred to Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, celebrated through festivals like the Veneralia to honor her connection to spring’s renewal and blossoming life.

April Birth Stone and Birth Flowers

The April birthsone is Diamond. This symbolises strenth, clarity and eternal love.

April has two birth flowers- Daisy and Sweet Pea. Daisy represents purity and fresh starts, whereas Sweet Pea symbolizes thankfulness and goodbyes.

See next: May, the 5th Month of The Year

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