The first full Moon of 2025 will be observed on January 14th at 09:27 AM. This is called the Wolf Moon.

 Full Moon Dates 2025 in AEDT

Month Date Day of the Week Time Full Moon Name
January 14 Tuesday 09:27 am Wolf Moon
February 13 Thursday 12:54 am Snow Moon
March 14 Friday 05:55 pm Worm Moon
April 13 Sunday 10:23 am Pink Moon
May 13 Tuesday 02:58 am Flower Moon
June 11 Wednesday 05:46 pm Strawberry Moon
July 11 Friday 06:38 am Buck Moon
August 09 Saturday 05:57 pm Sturgeon Moon
September 08 Monday 04:10 am Harvest Moon
October 07 Tuesday 02:48 pm Hunter's Moon
November  06 Thursday 12:20 am Beaver's Moon
December 05 Friday 10:15 am Cold Moon

Names of the Full Moons Every Month

Read The 12 Full Moon Names Explained if you want to know the reason behind the names of these full moons. 

Understanding the Occurrence of a Full Moon

We all know that the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth. At the time when the earth is between the sun and the moon, we face the brighter side of the moon, which results in a full moon. 

A full moon generally occurs once a month or more, specifically after every 29.5 days. 

Full Moon phenomenon diagram

Impact of Full Moon on Tides 

The gravitational pull during a full moon is stronger. This results in high tides being higher than usual in oceans.

It is important to note that the sun's gravitational pull is weaker than the moon's gravitational pull due to a greater distance from the Earth.  

The Significance of Full Moon in Australian Indigenous Cultures

Full moons hold different meanings for various Aboriginal groups in Australia. The Yolngu people, for instance, have their own cultural ties and practices linked to the full moon.

They consider the moon as a fat and lazy man who once was young and thin. The sun, on the other hand, is considered to be a woman. 

According to the story, the once young and slim man broke some law, which is why his people attacked and killed him. His death symbolizes the new moon, while the fat and lazy man symbolizes the full moon.

He remained dead for three days, after which he rose again, and the entire cycle kept repeating, resulting in the moon cycle.

Australia is 600 km wider than the moon. The diameter of Australia from East to West is 4000 km while that of the moon is 3400 km.

Interesting and Ancient Beliefs About the Full Moon

  •  Druids, a part of the Celts in ancient Ireland, believed that the full moon was an auspicious time and brought prosperity and success for all.
  • Greek Physician Galen said that animals who were born on a full moon day would grow up to live healthy and long lives.
  • In many cultures, such as the Greeks, marrying on a full moon day was considered auspicious and said to bring good fortune.
  • The full moon is not considered a lucky phenomenon everywhere. In some cultures, the full moon was associated with madness and lunacy.